© Die Projektfabrik GmbH 2018
61462 Königstein im Taunus
E U R O P E A N P A Y M E N T S & B 2 B H U B
Business on European Markets without barriers
European Payments and B2B Hub, ease market access in Europe, awarded with the „Best of Signet e-Business 2018“ by the Innovationspreis IT competition.
The innovative cloud platform created according to German legislation, which gives you a quick and staightforward access to the European market. So that you can market your products quickly on the most important B2B internet marketplaces and where you can take advantage of the liquidity advantages that the SEPA transaction format offers!
The European Payments and B2B Hub offers a smart and reliable solution for the interoperability of different IT applications like production planning, supply chain, and warehouse logistics. The products approach is to deal with different standards for transactions in the electronic business as well as electronic payments. National and International operating corporates are enabled communicate borderless and get fast access to foreign target markets.
The solution is hosted in a private cloud environment in a German, certified data-centre. Thousands of successful installations and well proven of the components in different market segments. Intelligent connected by us, concentrated in the European Payments an B2B Hub.